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Current Events:
Monthly Men’s Coffee or Bowling Nights
Men’s Day

Greetings brother!

You did it!  You took that first step toward a deeper, more purposeful walk with the Lord!  No matter where you are at on your journey with the Lord, we welcome you. Even if you have not committed your whole life to Jesus, today is the day, make that decision, and let’s move forward.

I am excited to introduce you to the “Manward” Group. Here is what this is all about.


Manward is the joint meaning and purpose of Man- Forward!

Mission Statement:

“To be the man that God has called you to be, growing individually, and importantly together as a team of men moving forward in this life journey serving and honoring God, loving their families, and being a model of true character for a world that desperately needs strong, godly men.”

Forward- Websters Definition- in the direction that one is facing or traveling; toward the front. Onward so as to make progress; toward a successful conclusion. Toward the future; ahead in time. Help to advance (something); promote.

Bible Standard for a Man:

1 CORINTHIANS 16:13 NKJV “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.”

NLT Translation vs 13 “Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.”

KJV Translation vs 13 “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit like men, be strong.”

Let’s examine what God is telling us here:

  • These attributes are God given and are to be embraced by man and woman alike. However, men, need to rise-up and to lead in life. God has called you out here man, how will you respond?

  • God calls man to lead yourself and your household. Not to be domineering, but to lead with grace, with love, wisdom, provision, and protection.

  • Quit you like men- means to act like a man or to be manly.

  • Be the man of God- Watch, be alert, be on guard, stand fast in the faith (trusting in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, be brave, be strong, be courageous, and be a man, a man of God.

What is the Plan for the Manward Group?

1.    Every Week on Monday a Text or an Email will go out to you with an encouraging Word/ Scripture for the Week to Think about to Mediate on and to do.

2.    Every Week on Tuesday featured on Facebook and Instagram will be a short 5-10 min message for men.

3.    Every Month: Meeting on a Thursday Night at a local coffee house in Buffalo we will; meet, greet, eat, drink coffee and most importantly discuss and review what we have been discussing all month.
Myself, or someone else invited will proctor/ host the meeting to direct the conversation. However, we are looking to have group discussion with everyone being involved to share their thoughts, share
your testimonies, your experience, growth, and prayer for one another.

a)    We may look to do this via FaceTime Private Invite Group at times in order for all to be a part that who may be remote around the country/ world.

4.    Annually: We will host a Grand Annual Men’s Event;

a)    BBQ Dinner, Horseshoes, Fishing, Devotion time together, Camp Coffee, Men’s Evening Meeting

b)   (1 Day Event, open to any man who wants to attend)

Our Desire For You & My Heart For This Group:

  • I desire that men would gain victory in their lives they never thought was possible, that they couldn’t see. I believe it is possible for men at any place in their lives to achieve goals they have never dreamed, to see themselves as winners, successful, joyful, fulfilled, strong, sound in your mind, confident in your life outlook and be able to lead like the kings and priests that God has called you to be.

  • Life should not conquer you, but you conquer in life by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

  • We will pray for each and every one of you as a ministry. When you connect with this group, you are having strength added to you.

  • Remember, that we all do get whatever we put into something. Come as you are, we don’t have benchmarks to place on you and track your progress. No, but as far as you want to go with God you can go. The sky is the limit.

  • We pray that you will catch that God powered motivation wind of His strength and power of the Holy Spirit to move you forward!

ROMANS 5:17 TPT “Death once held us in its grip, and by the blunder of one man, death reigned as king over humanity. But now, how much more are we held in the grip of grace and continue reigning as kings in life, enjoying our regal freedom through the gift of perfect righteousness in the one and only Jesus, the Messiah!”

We are so excited that you have desired to become a part of this group!  Let’s do this together with the Lord!

God abundantly bless you!

Pastor Kevin Reming