be a part of Life Worship Church!

Attend our Life Steps Class
God has an incredible purpose for your life, and Life Steps is designed to help you connect with that purpose. 

In Life Steps, you will learn the vision of Life Worship Church, understand what it means to be a Christian as well as core beliefs, discover your purpose and learn more about how you are uniquely made and have an opportunity to make a difference on a ministry team.  
Every friendship begins with an introduction. This is ours.

Life Steps Classes what to expect?

We will take a deeper look at what it means to follow Jesus, connect with the church, discover your purpose and make a difference.

We want to engage and connect with everyone who comes through the doors and invite each one to learn more at LIFE STEPS.

Why Serve?

All over the world Christians gather together, in communities of local churches. God’s design for the local church is to be led by pastors who are genuinely called and gifted to lead, teach the Scriptures and equip the believer to live a Christ-centered, victorious life.
to commitment. 

Connect with Life Worship Church

At Life Worship Church, we value connection. We all as individuals and families seek a community to help us develop our sense of identity and discover our purpose to have a dynamic and meaningful life.

Church is so much more than a building – it’s comprised of people. The day you asked Christ to be your Savior, you became a part of a great family of believers. Life Worship Church is an encouraging and supportive family. While you could remain a guest or even a regular attendee of our services, the real value of begins with serving. Serving implies a commitment to the LWC family. It’s your way of saying, “Count me in, count on me!”  In turn, we promise LWC resources to meet your spiritual needs.

And whether it’s your first time or you’ve been coming here for a while, we’d love to get you plugged into the LWC family. You can become of Life Worship Church by attending Life Steps Classes.

Life Church Serve Team Application

After you have completed the Life Steps Class, click on the below button to fill out the Life Serve Team Application